Bombing of an officer's vehicle in Su-ngai Padi District, Narathiwat Province

Ms. Asaman Daje, 48 years old, address 158 Moo 1, Sakao Subdistrict, Su-ngai Padi District, Narathiwat Province, has symptoms of tinnitus and chest tightness. 2. Ms. Maddarus Wado, 35 years old, address 210 Moo 7, Riko Subdistrict, Su-ngai Padi District, Narathiwat Province, has symptoms of tinnitus and chest tightness. Both of them are in safe condition and are under the care of doctors at Su-ngai Padi Hospital. Officers from the Su-ngai Padi District Relief Operations Center, Narathiwat Province, are visiting and providing close care.

credit : สล็อต


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